Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





Lorentzweiler, commune et paroisse
HOME    Search - our current inventory of data input for this entity
documentsPeriod Status yearAssociate
824Baptisms1692-1796Data input finished in 2016 by Catherine RENSCHLER
133Marriages1711-1796Data input finished in 2018 by Christiane KRIER-PETERS
490Deaths1701-1750, 1768-1797Data input finished in 2023 by Mariette Borschette-Bissen
4669Births1797-1923Data input finished in 2012 by Georges EICHER
276Marriages1797-1839Data input finished in 2017 by Lydie EHLERINGER
824Marriages1840-1923Data input finished in 2013 by Georges EICHER
2968Deaths1798-1923Data input finished in 2022 by Robert FABER
1551Censuses1864Data input finished in 2024 by Jean-Paul SCHMIT
current inventory    parish registers    censuses    finished data entries    current data entries    data entries expected shortly    documents available for data entries

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by Geoportal Luxembourg
Ferraris 1778
Hansen 1907

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Lëscht vun de Weekapellen zu Lëtzebuerg
Kierchtuermspromenaden mam Tessy Glodt

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