Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





FEULEN, commune et paroisse
HOME    Search - our current inventory of data input for this entity
documentsPeriod Status yearAssociate
3237Baptisms1644-1793Data input finished in 2015 by Joseph SCHLOESSER
546Marriages1694-1793Data input finished in 2017 by Georges EICHER
1082Deaths1741-1794Data input finished in 2022 by Mariette BORSCHETTE-BISSEN
5074Births1797-1874Data input finished in 2012 by Joseph SCHREINER
1384Births1875-1923Data input finished in 2012 by François MEISCH
500Marriages1797-1839Data input finished in 2016 by Agnès@Armand SERRES-HEINEN
297Marriages1840-1859Data input finished in 2012 by Georges EICHER
541Marriages1860-1923Data input finished in 2012 by François MEISCH
1119Deaths1797-1829Data input finished in 2021 by Mariette BORSCHETTE-BISSEN
3079Deaths1830-1923Data input finished in 2022 by Micheline et Fernand HERMES-METZ
0Censuses1864we have the documents - we are looking for an associate
current inventory    parish registers    censuses    finished data entries    current data entries    data entries expected shortly    documents available for data entries

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by Geoportal Luxembourg
Ferraris 1778
Hansen 1907

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Feulen op
Lëscht vun de Weekapellen zu Lëtzebuerg
Kierchtuermspromenaden mam Tessy Glodt

Images / Bilder / pictures
Honor&Glory U.S.A. Soldiers WW2 Feulen    éditer   
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Liens / Links / links
Geschichte der Gemeinde (
1873 Gehaltserhöhungen Gemeindebeamte (source:BNLeluxemburgensia)
1904 BishopJosephLaurent Philippe,S.C.I.† (source:TheHierarchyOfTheCatholicChurch)
1904 Maison de repos- (MEP) 1904-11 (source:
1908 Wahlresultate Gemeindewahlen ( - LW page 2)
1915 Sanatorium-Männer 1915-1931 + Foto (source:
1963 Feulen963-1963:1000 J. Pfarrei,Gemeinde F.DECKER (
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autres liens pour Feulen via Bibliothèque Nationale
Recherche d'ouvrages dans les Archives Nationales ou dans la Bibliothèque Nationale

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