Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





Now with 3,318,822 records current inventory
2,178,696 birth records and 772,249 death records (35.45%)
1,448,183 birth records (66.47%) linked through 367,877 marriage records.
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We explore documents from the past to preserve them for the future. Join the great (jigsaw)puzzle of Luxembourgish Genealogy by analyzing and capturing the details of acts of your preferred township/parish in our database.

We are looking for people to help us with the data input of details of baptisms of the following parishes (written in Latin): Luxembourg-Garnison, Merl, Schuttrange, Wasserbillig.

continuing in French as most of the records are handwritten in French -
REJOIGNEZ notre équipe, nous avons besoin de vous comme bénévole pour la saisie d'actes des communes et paroisses.
Nous recherchons des bénévoles pour la saisie des détails des baptêmes des paroisses des provinces belges du Luxembourg et de Liège, des départements français de la Moselle et de Meurthe-et-Moselle.

continuing in German as most of the records are handwritten in old German - Desweiteren suchen wir Mitarbeiter für die Datenaufnahme der Akten von Ostbelgien, der angrenzenden Kreisen von Rheinland-Pfalz sowie des Saarlandes.

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