Genealogy Center of Luxembourg
more than 600
users support the luxroots project! Thank you!
If you are not yet among these people,
join them now!
General Information
Genealogy was never easier than today in Luxembourg and the bordering Belgian and German regions, also thanks to the non-profit association luxroots, the largest genealogical group in the Grand Duchy! Our 60 volunteers enter the details of the birth/baptism, marriage and death certificates to facilitate your family search. Create online in seconds your pedigree chart or lists of descendants up to 10 generations. Order a list of people with their birth data for a specific last name, ..
Registration is free of charge. With a subscription, you can browse our databases. is hosted on a powerful server, and bandwidth of 100 Mbps, the site offers quick searches and displays to visitors. As the rental of such a server with such a bandwith is linked to high costs, data visualization and researched over many extended visits is subject to a participation fee.
Very limited data are displayed to the unidentified visitor..
Registration as identified visitor
is free.
If you want to work with this genealogical database for a certain period and for a reasonable* number of searches, we offer an extensive search of 1, 6 or 12 months against payment of a small contribution to cover costs of the website.
The following subscriptions allow only searchs for your own family.
Please contact us
to know more about subscriptions for non-profit association, municipalities, administrations, institutions, notaries, firms, ancestors and heirs searchs in general, ...
Quota for displaying luxroots information
Conditions for luxroots data use
1 month
6 months
12 months
avec des points myluxroots
Euro 10,00
100 points
Euro 16,00
200 points
Euro 23,00
300 points
What can I do with all these points?
(You must be logged.)
convert myluxroots points to hits
Use your myluxroots points to
produce online a pedigree chart or a list of descendants (- 1 point)
order PDF-documents with luxroots birth data for a given surname.
For example, please open
this document
with the persons of the STEINFORT family name.
to get a list of the 1766 census for a certain village, by clicking the R1766 link situated on all our records
to do searchs in our website (- 5 points)
to do searchs in our website (- 5 points)
to do searchs in our Napoleon soldiers database (- 0 point)
to do searchs in our notary records database (- 0 point)
to renew, under conditions, your subscription for a year (- 2,000 points)
to support our
luxroots Charity
These points will be worthless if the subscription is not extended.
Enriching our project by adding your information, you
earn myluxroots points.
You appreciate the cross-border and non-profit
genealogy project.
With a subscription, you want to support the further development of the continued internet presence of this project.
Please make your payment,
after registration
by eurotransfert
to asbl L-1508 Howald
account LU98 0019 4355 5840 3000 with BCEELULL (Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg)
under reference: - and yur
. (
Relevé d'identité bancaire
(the delay for a transfer from bank to bank can be up to 5 working days)
or by
After receiving payment, a confirmation email will be sent. (please pay attention to your SPAM mail trash!)
The system will give you access to extensive information during the paid period
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The sources of the transcription of the details of the records by asbl
Conditions for luxroots data use
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Contact luxroots
Liste des documents PDF luxroots au 14.06.2024
avec détails des naissances/baptêmes
TOP 4000 de nos noms de famille
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Tips & Tricks
TOP 100 Statistiques 20.07.2024
En date du 24 février 2015,
notre association asbl
a signé la Charte du Bénévolat de l'
Agence du Bénévolat
La Charte du Bénévolat donne un cadre de fonctionnement commun à toutes les associations et à toutes les personnes bénévoles au Luxembourg. Elle s’appuie sur des valeurs communes : la solidarité, la citoyenneté et le respect de l’autre.
our new application to generate PDF documents with luxroots data
La publication d'extraits de cartes topographiques
sur le site est faite sur base de l'autorisation de publication du 8.5.2007 Ă©mise par l'
Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie Luxembourg.
Le droit d'utilisation ne vaut pas transfert de propriété et n'est pas cessible à des tiers.
Liens utiles asbl
our volunteers
our subscriptions asbl