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Genealogy associations in Luxembourg

We are often asked about the difference between the 3 Luxembourgish Genealogical Associations. We try to give our response below:
  • The Luxembourg Association of Genealogy and Heraldry (ALGH), founded on April 25th, 1984 by 45 people (including the initiator of the luxroots project), has his headquarter in Mersch. Over the years, the association has published an official information sheet, 'Familjefuerscher' and sixteen important year books. A team of volunteers has transcribed the marriages from parish registers before 1800 in a file available at the association's headquarters on the 4th floor of the Castle of Mersch. This work is currently also available in the records of parish registers published by FamilySearch. The leaders of the association have assembled a very nice library of genealogical and historical books and can be checked at their headquarter. The association is not active on the Internet. The annual membership fee is 20 euros.

  • The above-mentioned teamwork inspired Georges EICHER in 1998 to develop a draft for standardized and systematic entry of details of birth / baptism, marriage and death records. The internet with its monthly subscription and the digital camera were the needed basis to start this ambitious project in 2004. Without images of records available online at this time, a first job was to take pictures of all records of a township or parish from microfilm at the National Archives or from the original at the townships. These pictures with the records of a township / parish were then delivered on CD/DVD to a luxroots-associate ready to analyze the records and to enter the details of these records in the common database of the project. It is this teamwork of volunteers as part of a non-profit project that characterizes the luxroots.com association based in Howald unlike a solitary work (search for heirs, family trees or tables on order, ..) often linked to significant financial resources.
    With an annual subscription of 23 euros or 20 euros in subscription renewal, the subscriber can access applications, databases and services of the luxroots group. With over 1.100 subscribers and associates, luxroots confirms its leading position in genealogy in Luxembourg far exceeding the overall number of members of other genealogical associations of Luxembourg.

  • The 3rd organization, luxracines, with headquarter in Bereldange was founded in 2009, mainly by holders of genealogical websites to serve as genealogy portal to their personal websites. Like luxroots, this association organizes conferences, visits to archives and libraries. The annual membership fee is 20 euros. The access to personal websites must be requested and approved.
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