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In Belgium and France, many associations are working with the ExpoActes database with more than 78 million records such the associations of the provinces of Luxembourg and Namur: Wallonia-asbl, Libramont-Chevigny, Philippeville, Dinant and Gesves. Sometimes, consultation is free and/or limited or must even be paid.
Our neighbor-club of Arlon SCGD Gelux is the genealogical association for the province of Luxembourg, dependind from the SCGD in Brussels (Centralized Service for Demographic and Genealogical Studies of Belgium).
Reading rooms for the Belgian State Archives are located for the province of Luxembourg in Arlon (for the south region) and in Saint-Hubert (for the northwestern part). For a visit to these archives, you must have an access card of 20 euros per year.
In past years, the Archives of the Belgian State have made a considerable effort by posting most of their records of parish and civil registers (23 million pages) online. For the consultation of these records, you must have a free access userid.
Meanwhile, FamilySearch.org has put the majority of records of Civil Registers of Belgium including those of the province of Luxembourg online.
You find direct links to the above-mentioned research on our main page.
A very large part of the former Duchy of Luxembourg was given to Belgium in 1839 and this part now forms the province of Luxembourg. From one day to the pther, whole families were torn apart and were living on different sides of this new frontier. Fortunately, relations between people of the region were still good as is shown by many cross-border marriages. Many Luxembourgers emigrated to Belgium to find there work. This Belgian-Luxembourg border is also a linguistic border (French-German). Therefore, in the records of the parish registers, you often find place names in French, German or even in Luxemburgisch (eg Tintange, Tentingen/Tintingen, Tënnen; Cetturu, Schätereg or Scheitrich). Often it is the same with surnames that change from WATHIER to WATGEN, MATHIEU to MATGEN, ETIENNE to STEFFEN or ETGEN, PETIT to Klein, and many others.
From early 2005, luxroots started genealogical research in the border municipalities of the province of Luxembourg. Today, you find details of 128,000 births entered on basis of copies of the original records in the luxroots database. Mainly Joseph LEONARD and Joel SCHMIT as well as André SCHMITZ, Josette TOMPERS, René MARX, Luc JEANGILLE and Georges EICHER have done this work. The data input of marriages and deaths of this area has already been started (6,199 marriages, and 4,996 deaths).

The data input of the details of records goes on quickly. We are looking for more volunteers to enter the details of birth records of the municipalities of Aubange (Athus, Halanzy, Rachecourt), Arlon (Arlon, Bonnert, Guirsch, Heinsch, Toernich), Messancy (Habergy, Hondelange, Wolkrange); of marriage and death records of former municipalities of Attert, Bastogne, Fauvillers, Gouvy, Houffalize Martelange and others. |