Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





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Conditions for luxroots data use
luxroots volunteers explore documents from the past to preserve them for the future. With more than 1,300 members, luxroots is today one of the largest associations in the field of Culture in Luxembourg.
Our more than 70 volunteers transcribe every day (7/7) the details of some 700 birth/baptism, marriage and death certificates from Luxembourg and its Belgian, French and German border regions.
Sources of our data
It is an instructive and useful work for the future and the details recorded in our database will be of great help to future generations for the deciphering of handwritten records.

Our databases are accessible to our subscribers to do their family research. We thank them for the financial support given to our projects. Subscription fees are used to finance the luxroots infrastructure, especially in connection with our server which gives the answers to your requests almost within a second.
The price of the luxroots subscription has not been increased for more than 8 years, although the number of births entered has increased from some 400,000 to 1,844,000, that of marriages from 28,000 to 312,000 and that of deaths from 6,000 to 522,000, not to mention the other benefits of this subscription.

Too often we find that visitors register on our site to do research for third parties or even for commercial business. We would like to remind you that our subscription is not in any way intended for such research. The subscription cannot be abused by people wanting to earn as much money as possible at the expense of our volunteers and our association. Fortunately more than 95% of our subscribers are not affected by this finding.

As long as you work with our data on your local computer or publish them with a gedcom file on our site, we recommend that you always indicate the sources of the information. If you are exceptionally and free of charge creating an ancestry chart or a list of descent from luxroots data for a third party, please indicate as the source of information and invite the latter to support the luxroots project by a subscription .

Our subscriptions are limited in time and volume.

Any addition, modification, deletion and consultation of information in our database is recorded in a register.

Any digital or paper publication must contain a reference to asbl according to the following rules insofar as research leads or data come from our databases:

No transmission of our data can be made in favor of notaries, legal and natural persons engaged in the search for heirs. Any use of our data for commercial purposes (search for ancestors, search for heirs, etc.) is not permitted without a special contract.

It is strictly forbidden to search the luxroots databases under a false identity.

In case of doubt of non-compliance with our terms of use, we reserve the right, in a first stage, to cancel the subscription in question with immediate effect. Additional actions may be considered.

For any additional information, please contact us by message at
Georges EICHER for asbl on March 19th, 2023 asbl   HOME   myluxroots   SEARCH   our volunteers   our subscriptions asbl   Contact