Genealogy Center of Luxembourg

 - our actual inventory of data input
Data input expected soon
ordered by the processing year
Status     YearOur associate
Basse-RentgenBA0Births1872-1904Data input foreseen as of 2024
GrandmenilGm0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2024
Haucourt-MoulaineHM0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2024
Haute-Rentgen (sous Basse-Rentgen)BA0Births1877-1892 (H-R)Data input foreseen as of 2024
LibramontLB0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2024
LuxembourgLx0Deaths1869-1873Data input foreseen as of 2024
MetterichMH0Births1796-1852Data input foreseen as of 2024
MussonMU0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2024
Mussy-la-VilleMv0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2024
Noville, commune (1796-1976)Nv0Marriages1840-1912Data input foreseen as of 2024
RachampsRc0Baptisms1580-1667Data input foreseen as of 2024
Sélange, paroisseS90Baptisms1665-1807Data input foreseen as of 2024
StockemST0Births1796-1854Data input foreseen as of 2024
WißmannsdorfWO0Births1796-1854Data input foreseen as of 2024
Bellevaux-LigneuvilleBL0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
BévercéBV0Births1888-1912 (avant Malmédy)Data input foreseen as of 2025
DudeldorfDD0Births1796-1906Data input foreseen as of 2025
FliessemFi0Births1796-1890Data input foreseen as of 2025
GransdorfGs0Births1796-1854Data input foreseen as of 2025
GrapfontaineGp0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
KelmisKm0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
La-Roche-en-ArdenneLR0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
Lommersweiler, PfarreiL90Baptisms1674-1793Data input foreseen as of 2025
Mont, paroisseMt0Baptisms1727-1796Data input foreseen as of 2025
Recogne, communeR80Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
Remagne, communeR70Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
RittersdorfRD0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2025
SeinsfeldSE0Births1796-1854Data input foreseen as of 2025
TonnyTO0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2025
ChatillonCA0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
DochampsDO0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
KyllburgKB0Births1796-1902Data input foreseen as of 2026
LontzenLz0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
MalbergMb0Births1796-1902Data input foreseen as of 2026
MalempreML0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
MalmédyMM0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
ManhayMY0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
MoircyMO0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
OberkailOK0Births1796-1902Data input foreseen as of 2026
OdeigneOd0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
OrdorfOr0Births1796-1860Data input foreseen as of 2026
RaerenRr0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
Recht, PfarreiR40Baptisms1637-1796Data input foreseen as of 2026
Tailles, paroisseTa0Baptisms1631-1807Data input foreseen as of 2026
ThilTH0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2026
TierceletTI0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2026
Vaux-ChavanneVc0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
VilleruptVR0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2026
Waimes - WeismesWm0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2026
AuwKyllAK0Births1796-1854Data input foreseen as of 2028
BeausaintBE0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2028
FreuxFR0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2028
HalleuxHX0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2028
HivesHv0Births1796-1912Data input foreseen as of 2028
LongwyLw0Births1796-1900Data input foreseen as of 2028
SpeicherSH0Births1796-1910Data input foreseen as of 2028
Wolsfeld, StandesamtXf0Marriages1914-1935Data input foreseen as of 2028
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