Genealogy Center of Luxembourg





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the Luxembourg Nationality
Flag of Luxembourg A new law on Luxembourg nationality entered into force on 1 January 2009.
2. Case of a person with a grandparent who had Luxembourg nationality by origin (article 29)
The law of 23 October 2008 on Luxembourg nationality has introduced a new case of re-acquisition, the application of which is limited in time.
A person can re-acquire Luxembourg nationality provided:
- he or she has a male or female ancestor, who possessed Luxembourg nationality on the date of 1 January 1900; and
- he or she is the descendant in a paternal or maternal line of said grandparent.
The interested party can trace back each generation in the paternal or maternal line to establish whether he or she is the descendant of a Luxembourg grandparent on the date of 1 January 1900.
The declaration of re-acquisition must be made before a civil registrar by 31 December 2018 at the latest.
The conditions to be met, the required documents, the procedure to be followed and the appeal procedures are identical to those foreseen in the above-mentioned case of re-acquisition.
One additional document is required, namely a certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice, Office in Charge of Luxembourg Nationality (Service de l?indigénat) testifying that the claimant had a grandparent of Luxembourg nationality on the date of 1 January 1900, of whom he or she is a descendant in a paternal or maternal line.
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